Gwybodaeth y Cyngor - Council Information

Mae Deddf Llywodraeth Leol (Democratiaeth) (Cymru) 2013 wedi rhoi gofyniad ar Gynghorau Cymuned a Thref i gyhoeddi eu gwybodaeth yn electronig (ar wefan). Mae hyn yn cynnwys gwybodaeth cyffredinol, manylion cyswllt clerc y cyngor a’r aelodau, cofnodion, agendas, adroddiadau’r cyngor, datganiad archwiliad cyfrifon ac unrhyw sylwad cyhoeddus.

Mae Cyngor Cymuned Llangynnwr yn barod yn cyflawni rhan fwyaf o’r gofyniadau hyn; yn anffodus roedd llwyfan y safle blaenorol yn hen ac yn araf. Fodd bynnag, roedd y platfform yr adeiladwyd arno yn hen ffasiwn, roedd ganddo ymarferoldeb cyfyngedig ac nid oedd yn hygyrch. Gobeithio y bydd y wefan newydd hon yn hawdd ei llywio gyda'r dolenni ar frig y dudalen.

Amdanom Ni 

Y Cyngor yw’r corff etholedig o’r lefel cyntaf o’r llywodraeth genedlaethol, mae’n chwarae rhan bwysig drwy gynrychioli’r gymuned leol. Dylai ddeall gofynion y gwahanol grwpiau o fewn y gymuned ac mae dyletswydd arni i wneud pob penderfyniad yn agored ac yn rhesymol.

Mae’r Cyngor yn cynnwys cadeirydd neu gadeiryddes, deuddeg aelod (wedi eu hethol neu gyfethol), yn cynrychioli dwy ward. Mae’n cyflogi Clerc ac ef/hi yw’r Swyddog Cyllid Cyfrifol, mae’n rhoi cyngor a chefnogaeth gweinyddol ac yn gweithredu penderfyniadau’r cyngor.

Ymhlith dyletswyddau blaenorol y Cyngor mae:

  • Monitro llwybrau cyhoeddus.
  • Ystyried materion cynllunio.
  • Awgrymu gwelliannau i’r prif-ffyrdd.
  • Gweithio efo’r heddlu i ddiogelu’r gymuned.
  • Cysylltu efo’r Cyngor Sir ar ofalaeth goleuadau’r stryd.
  • Darparu cefnogaeth ariannol i wahanol grwpiau gwirfoddol ac elusennau.
  • Edrych ar ôl y parc lleol, seddau cyhoeddus a’r hysbysfyrddau newyddion.
  • Ethol cynrychiolwyr i gyrff lleol a thu allan.
  • Ystyried prosiectau cymunedol i elwa’r gymuned gyfan.

The Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013 made it a requirement for Community and Town Councils to publish certain information electronically (i.e. on a website).This includes information and contact details for the council’s clerk and members, minutes, agendas, reports for council meetings, any audited statement of the council’s accounts and public notices.

Llangunnor Community Council had already been achieving the majority of this on its previous website.However the platform that the previous site had been built on was outdated, had limited functionality and wasn't accessible. We hope you will find this new site easy to navigate with the links at the top of the page.

About Us 

The Council is an elected body in the first tier of government, which plays an important part in representing the interests of the local community.It should understand the needs of the different groups within the community and has a duty to make difficult decisions in an open and reasoned way.

The Council consists of a Chairperson, twelve members (elected or co-opted) who represent two wards within the Parish. It employs a Clerk who is the Responsible Financial Officer who provides advice, administrative support and acts to implement council decisions.

Amongst the Council’s main duties are:

  • Monitor public footpaths.
  • Consider planning matters.
  • Suggest improvements regarding highways.
  • Work with the Police to safeguard the community.
  • Liaise with the County Council on maintenance of street lights.
  • Provide financial assistance for various voluntary organisations and charities.
  • Look after the local playing field and park, public seating and notice boards.
  • Appoint representatives to many local and outside bodies.
  • Consider community projects, which would benefit the community.