Datganiad o Ddiddordeb - Declaration of Interest

Yn weithredol o 1 Mai 2015, fel rhan o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol (Democratiaeth) (Cymru) 2013, mae’n ofyniad bod Cynghorau Cymunedol yn cyhoeddi eu cofrestr o fuddiannau aelodau yn electronig.

Mae adran 81 o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol 2000 yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i Gyngor Cymuned (yn ogystal ag awdurdodau eraill) gynnal a chyhoeddi cofrestr o fuddiannau ariannol a buddion eraill aelodau fel y nodir yn y cod ymddygiad enghreifftiol.

Mae'r gofrestr isod yn rhoi manylion yr holl fuddiannau a ddatganwyd gan aelodau ym mhob cyfarfod er 1 Ebrill 2015. Os oes gan aelod fuddiant personol yn unrhyw fusnes yn y Cyngor ac os yw'r busnes hwnnw'n cael ei ystyried mewn cyfarfod o'r Cyngor, rhaid iddo ddatgelu'r budd cyn neu yn cychwyn y busnes hwnnw, neu pan ddaw'r budd i'r amlwg.

With effect from 1 May 2015, as part of the Local Government (Democracy) (Wales) Act 2013, it is a requirement that Community Councils publish their register of members’ interests electronically.

Section 81 of the Local Government Act 2000 requires a Community Council (as well as other authorities) to maintain and publish a register of members’ financial and other interests as are specified in the model code of conduct.

The register below details all interests declared by members at all meetings since 1 April 2015. If a member has a personal interest in any business of the Council and if that business is being considered at a Council meeting, they must disclose the interest before or at the commencement of that business, or when the interest becomes apparent.